About Us
What separates Best Appraisal Management Company, LLC from most other AMCs:
  1. We operate only in the Midwest as we feel regionalization is the only way to truly know the market.
  2. Our ownership is comprised of highly experienced mortgage bankers who know the service levels needed to succeed in today’s ever changing market.
  3. We are not publicly traded. This means we listen to you, not shareholders. Many other AMCs are owned by conglomerates which are actually your competition.
  4. We require our appraisers to have a minimum of 5 years experience and be state certified, not just currently licensed.
  5. We only use FHA approved appraisers.
  6. In metropolitan areas, we select appraisers located 20 miles or less from the subject property.
  7. We pay our panel of appraisers a fair and equitable wage, resulting in higher quality appraisals along with reasonable turn times.
  8. We perform extensive technical reviews of our appraisals prior to releasing the appraisals to your organization. We also share the results (scoring) not only with you but also the appraisers.


To partner with Best Appraisal Management Company, LLC, you can either email us at: orders@bestamc.com or call (630) 409-3251. You can also sign up as a lender or appraiser at our website at www.bestamc.com.